Forest of Fantasy

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newBookmarkLockedFalling A Whisper In The Wind
Jas 162 1,845 by Mana
Jul 19, 2011 7:06:53 GMT -8


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Forest of Fantasy
This is a beautiful sprawling forest with giant trees that provide lots of shade and resting places. Deep in this forest there is a small bubbling brook that the deeper it goes it grows bigger, into a peaceful gentle river until it connects with a small lake. The water of this lake glitters in the sunlight, and is of a beautiful blue that tells you how clean and fresh it is. Under the surface of the water you can even see fish swimming peacefully. Even as clear as the water is, the further out it goes the deepr it is until it's only blackness, as it's deep enough possibly for some sort of creature to be living there. Although the treeline recedes from most of the water, near one end of the lake the forest crowds the shore beginning to give it a more dark, yet still peaceful feel. Within these shaded area a small cliff rises from the ground and spreads backwards, water pouring from the edge into a wide waterfall spilling into it.
The general feeling of this forest tingles with magic, and it's easily believable that fantastical creatures call this forest home, and if you're lucky you will see some of these creatures.
The weather is always nice here, whether it is sunny or not it always keeps it's peaceful feel. Even when it rains it's a gentle downpour, and never will you find storms here. For those with weather changing abilities, if they try and force any unpleasant weather changes they will find it extremely hard to do so.
Damages are able to happen to this forest, but only minor damages as for some reason everything is resistant to heavier damage. Any damages that manage to happen will be fixed the next day automatically.
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