Las Vegas

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Stoner Kitty 0 237 by Stoner Kitty
Feb 9, 2010 0:26:19 GMT -8


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Las Vegas
Las Vegas, the city of sin, city of lights. The place that never sleeps. This city has many names and many rumors that go around about it.
Drugs, sex, death run rampant in the few shadows that manage to live in the perpetual light. So not surprisingly, things like this can happen where people can see, though not often will anyone care.
In this city you can gamble, get sex for a price, get married on a whim, find the drug of your choice. You can find almost anything that you want, you just have to find the right kind of person.
And of course in this kind of place you will find supernatural creatures as amongst all that goes on it's not hard to hide their true natures.
The weather in this city is typical of that of a desert, which is where Las Vegas is located.
Minor damage occurs in this city all the times, but never anything heavier as those that control the city in the shadows would never allow it. (heavier damage must be approved)
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